Friday, March 8, 2013


Yes, yes. I know it's been wayyyy too long since I've posted, but our computer has been down... And honestly, I'm pretty sure the only one who read my first post is Mady, who I am eternally grateful to for a: inspiring me to blog in the first place, and b: letting me know that if you put earbuds in your nostrils and open your mouth, you become a human speaker system. (magical, right?) 

Although, I wouldn't recommend doing that with those earbuds, because penguins are adorable! (not to mention you'd have snot all over your earbuds...)

But anyway, our computer is still down *sadness that I'll get over in about 2 seconds* . How did I post this blog, you ask? The answer: MAGIC!!!!!! (the real answer is my dad's iPad... But nobody else needs to know that, right?)

So, now that I have nothing else to post.... How about a book?  
I started Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder last night, and I'm already about... Ummm.. Almost finished... I'm wayyyy too fast of a reader for my own good (case in point: every time there's a book that you have to read for school, I always either end up reading ahead or finish the reading so fast that by discussion time, I've already forgotten what happens in the previous chapters).

So, anyway, whenever I read a mystery, I'm always SUPER DUPER impatient to find out "whodunit" and why they "dunit" as soon as possible... So I suppose that's why there are only a few chapters to go until I find out... Which translates to: "I'm going to go finish reading this book before I explode."



  1. So whodunit? I'm curious now! xoxo

  2. Haha, I have GOT to try that thing with the ear buds!
